Our Next Club meeting (open to anyone) will be held Tuesday, October 15th. See the link on the left for Meeting Schedule and Programs.
GARS club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from
6:30pm - 8:00pm. The in-person meeting will be located at:
Trinity United Methodist Church, Room 211
4000 NW 53rd Ave
Gainesville, FL 32653
These will be hybrid meetings so you can also attend via Zoom at:
GARS ARRL Summer Field Day Happened 6/22-23. We were Radio-Active!
Click here to view a summary of some of what we did.
We are testing simplex connectivity in Alachua County. Please see this page for more details.
Please check our Facebook page for current news, events and related stories, on the Gainesville Amateur Radio Society Page. We are updating our webpage, so check back frequently.
Other than monthly club meetings, most GARS activities take place at the Waldo City Square, located at 14450 NE 148th Avenue, Waldo - 15 minutes north of Gainesville. Google map reference: 29°47'29.5"N 82°10'10.5"W, or "29.791532, -82.169591".
We are trying to reduce/eliminate interference heard on our local VHF 146.820 repeater. As an experiment, we have activated the CTCSS tone on the repeater receiver.
Most of our radios already transmit a 123.0Hz sub-audible tone when calling the repeater, so for most of us nothing is needed and the repeater will work as expected.
However if your radio is not able to activate the repeater, then turn on the CTCSS tone when transmitting to the repeater. If in doubt as to which tone to set, set anything called CTCSS to 123.0Hz. Do not change any settings not connected with CTCSS.
Please send questions and feedback to chairman@gars.club.
Thanks for your patience while we figure all this out.
Looking for a helping hand to explain specific radio interests? Email to elmer@gars.club. You will receive a response from a volunteer.
GARS members had a great Winter Field Day at the Waldo City Square, January 27-28th. See our Facebook
page for updates and photos. We made several hundred contacts using Voice and Morse Code. New Hams got on
the air while our more experienced folks mentored and encouraged.
Hamcation in Orlando was February 9-11th (Friday thru Sunday). Several members went to see all that Amateur Radio has to offer - and spend their extra cash...
Website updated Oct 7, 2024 =0=
& Programs
Gainesville Amateur Radio Society
Tower & Repeater